Earning in The Toy Factory
Engage in the gamified real-time economy within The Toy Factory to earn Ponch coins, toys, and Toy Shards.
These earned tokens can be used for customization, strategic decisions, and unlocking additional gameplay features.
Each player will pay for the entry ticket before they enter the arena.
The winner of the game will collect 65% of the entire prize pool and 20% of the pool will transfer to the free-to-play treasury to create free games for the player without any risk to the company treasury.
Join on Daily Based Matches & Tournaments to get rewards.
For example
6000 players spend ten coins per game, creating a total prize pool of 60,000 coins.
%20 of this created prize pool is transferred to free-to-play games.
In this way, 72,000 players can play free games. This creates a unique inflation-free system in Ponchiqs Arena.